Every person has problems with sleep at some point. Prescription sleeping tablets such as temazepam might knock you out for a few hours but they don’t improve your sleep quality. In fact, they can leave you feeling worse off the next day.
Whether you have a temporary or permanent skin condition, there are so many creams, lotions and sprays on the market to control uncomfortable symptoms.
Everyone has pain at some time in their life. It normally ends once the injury or illness has passed. Chronic pain is different. It is pain that is ongoing and lasts more than 3 months. It is one of the most common reasons for going to the doctor.
Menopause affects women at their peak. Hot flushes, mood swings, irritability, brain fog, night sweats, disrupted sleep, forgetfulness, weight gain, dryness and anxiety all slowly rob you of your vitality at a time when you want to be at your best.
Your thyroid is the butterfly shaped gland that sits in your throat above the collarbone. It secretes the hormones T4, T3, T2, T1 and calcitonin which travel via the bloodstream to tissues all over the body.